Corresponding Member of the Academy
Ph. D. in Chemistry
Senior Researcher (title) in inorganic chemistry
approved by VAK USSR on January 29, 1992, doc № 5 C/16, certificate number CH № 073889
Ph. D. dissertation
defended on 25 December 1984, at the V. I. Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
approved by VAK USSR on May 8, 1985, № certificate 014038.
Phone: +38(0)44 4564045
Mob. Phone: +38(0)662731151
Fax: +380444243070
The current list of publications at this time is 135 printed works, 4 certificates of authorship and a patent of RF
Of these, the most important are the articles:
№ |
Название |
Журнал |
стр |
соавторы |
1 |
Time operator in Quantum Mechanics, Non-relativistic case |
Il Nuovo Cimento, v.22, AN 2,pp.263-278, 1974 |
6 |
Ольховский В.С., Реками Е |
2 |
Раскрытие хелатного цикла в b-дикетон. комп. металлов |
Коорд. хим. 1987,т.13,в.10 с.1313-1317 |
5 |
Е.А.Мазуренко С.В.Волков Л.И.Железнова |
3 |
Особенности электронного строения иминокетонов |
Укр. хим. ж. 1990 т.56, №1 с. 3-6 |
4 |
Е.А.Мазуренко Посильский О.А. |
4 |
Влияние температурного режима на формирование структуры покрытий, получаемых методом CVD из β- дикетонатов металлов |
Укр. хим. ж. 1991 т.57, №11 с. 1123 - 1125 |
3 |
5 |
Координационные соединения металлов в газовой фазе |
Укр. хим. ж. 1993 т.59, №5 с. 526 - 536 |
11 |
Е.А.Мазуренко |
6 |
Volatile Metals Coordination Compounds as Precursors for Funcional Materials Synthesis by CVD-Method |
Journal de Physique IV, 1995, vol. 5, p.547-551 |
5 |
Е.А.Мазуренко |
7 |
Laser stimulated drawing on hard substrate |
Electrochem.Soc.Proc. - 1997.- V.97-25. - p.304-307 |
4 |
Y.A.Mazurenko V.P.Ovsyannikov N.V.Tabenskaya |
8 |
Mechanism and kinetics of high-dispersed metals nd oxides powders formation by use volative metal chelates |
Electrochem.Soc.Proc. - 1997.- V.97-25. - p.216-223 |
8 |
Y.A.Mazurenko |
9 |
Хімічне осадження з газової фази, синтез функціональних матеріалів |
Фізика і Хімія Твердого Тіла,т.2, №3, 2001, ст.339-349 |
10 |
Мазуренко Є.А., Овсянников В.П.
10 |
Electrochemical Synthesis of Volatile Coordination Metal Compounds as precursors for functional material synthesis by the CVD-methods |
Green Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids(eds/- R.D.Rodgers at al) Kluver Academic Publ. Netherlands 2003 pp-511-516 |
6 |
Y.A.Mazurenko |
11 |
High-density plasma CVD films of aluminium, gallium and indium nitrides from coordination compounds of metals |
Proc. of Chem. Vapor Deposition XVI and EUROCVD 14 2003-08 p.689-693 |
5 |
Mazurenko Y.A, |
12 |
Dependence of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of CVD-processes from using chelates structure. |
Proc/ of Chem/ Vapor Deposition XVI and EUROCVD 14 2003-08 p694-697 |
4 |
Mazurenko Y.A, Tabenskaia T.V. |
13 |
Координаційні сполуки метаклів як прекурсори хімічного осадження з газової фази |
Міжнародна конференція НАНСИС 2004 12-14 жовтня 2004р. Київс-С7-7, ст.268 |
1 |
-. |
14 |
Синтез и квантовохимическре исследование комплексообразования биметальных соединений Al(III), Cr(III), Fe(III) с ацетиацетоном и уксусной кислотой |
Укр.хим.журнал 2009 т.75 №1 стр.9-15 |
7 |
Герасимчук А.И., Мазуренко Е.А., Железнова Л.И.
15 |
Деформационная и высокоэнергетическая деградация углеродных нанотрубок |
Наноструктурное материаловедение, №3, 2009, стр. 47-57 |
11 |
Герасимчук А.И., Мурафа Н., Огенко В.М., Шубрт Я. |
16 |
The investigation of the low magnetic iron ores by EPR and their components Fe O by DFT |
Journal of the Molecular Structure THEOCHEM Elsevior Pub. 12015, 1 February 2010 p.1-4 |
5 |
, V.Shvets A.K..Melnik, V.V. Trachevsky, 4 |
1 |
Formation of nanostructured surfaces and nanotubes |
Nanostructures and Nanostructured Surfaces, Edited by A.Ray ISBN: 1-58883-1825 American Scientific Publication, 2010, Ch.5, p.1-41 |
42 |
Gerasimchuk A.I., Doroshenko M.M., Mazurenko Y.A. |
Theory of dissipative processes in chemical vapor deposition of coordination compounds of metals
Quantum and interdisciplinary (physical, chemical, mathematical modeling ...) formation processes of nanostructured materials, forecasting and study their properties.
Graduated from Kiev University. TG Shevchenko on the special theory of the nucleus, later worked in the laboratory of quantum chemistry Institute of Physical Chemistry, from 1975 to the present time in Vernadsky IGICH them. Thus, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematical Physics
Additional Details
Born on December 14, 1950.
In 1998, prepared a doctoral dissertation which is due to lack of expertise on quantum chemistry has not been missed through the sector of Inorganic Chemistry and specialist advice. The problem is not solved yet...